Friday, March 25, 2011


1--One scholarly journal, newspaper, or magazine article that best represents specific concepts or a theory that particularly interest you from that chapter (or a part of the chapter)
This article has to do with all things culture. It comes from REASON Magazine and goes through 4 rather lone pages about the cultural abundance in America today as prodded by the media. It’s a long read, but a good one at that.

2--One photograph, painting, drawing, or other visual illustration that best symbolizes the main theme of the chapter (or a part of the chapter that particularly interests you)

This picture is hilarious. It really gives you an idea of culture clash and how silly it can be sometimes.

3—One video clip that describes/explains a specific concept or theory from your chapter
This clip describes culture in depth. It's about 10 minutes and does a good job giving a history, definition and the effects of culture.

4--Two Internet sites (URL and two sentences describing the site) that provide useful information to the reader about the concepts in the chapter (or the part of the chapter that interests you)
Site 1:
This site is great because it gives a look into the cultures of the world. Planning a trip? It’s important to know what’s taboo in Tahiti or wherever you’re headed! This site can do a lot to acquaint you to different ideas and norms in the world.
Site 2:
I think this webpage does an incredible job describing culture shock. It gives you an insight into symptoms, treating it, history, and more. It’s essential to understand how to handle differences between culture when you’re not expecting them.

5--One poem, quote, or song lyrics that represent the feelings you had reading the chapter
The song I chose is by Switchfoot and is called Tune for the Paparazzi – Basically a quirky commentary on media culture today. I couldn’t help but have it pop in my head when the book was discussing current media.
tune for the paparazzi
tune for the paparazzi

this is a tune the paparazzi
the who's who and the so and so's
this is a tune for the graven images of marilyn monroe
we saw your face on the magazine
we heard the song on the mp3


you're stuck in my head
stuck in my head
stuck in my head
you can close your ears and your eyes
but the pop will never leave you alone
tune for the paparazzi

leave me alone
with your social lingo
you try so hard to stay on top
leave me alone
with your little jingle
with your picture perfect pop
we read the article in seventeen
we saw the video on mtv


pop will never leave you alone

this is a tune for the late nirvana
the teen spirit rock and roll
this is a tune for the velvet elvis's
on the 90210

i thought my eyes were gonna get off clean
till i read your lips on the tv screen
you were busy saying what you didn't mean
now everyone is singing along with your ridiculous song

you got it stuck you
got it stuck in my head
stuck in my head
stuck in my head
you can close

6-At least two paragraphs that describe why you chose that chapter and the supporting materials

I chose culture as a chapter to do a blog entry on because it is so broad and important in everything else in the world and sociology. If you think about the conflicts that we face on an international scale, much of it has to do with cultural differences. Wars are fought because we think differently. Jobs are outsourced to save money because other nations allow a cultural of worker abuse and low wages where the USA does not. Further, in order to understand and tolerate others, you have to know that others are different and why. My favorite quote to describe this is that "Do not assume I share your prejudice."
It's very difficult to do anything without knowing culture. I think cultural understanding is important in realizing where we came from and where we are headed. You can tell alot about a society based upon the content of its television programming. For example, I find American news stations to be much more sensationalist that I do the World Service by the BBC. That's a difference in media culture. All in all culture means a lot to all of us!

7-A crossword puzzle or word search with at least 10 concepts (and definitions).

4. asserts that language determines other aspects of culture because language provides the categories through which social reality is defined.
6. the channels of communication available to wide segments of the population
11. the idea that something can be understood and judged only in relationship to the cultural context in which it appears.
13. the beliefs, practices, and objects that are part of everyday traditions
14. the written set of guidelines that define right and wrong in society
15. behaviors that bring the most serious sanctions
16. the cultures of groups whose values and norms of behavior differ to some degree from those of the dominant culture.
17. the transmission of cultural elements from one society or cultural group to another.
18. the habit of only seeing things from the point of view of one's own group.
19. contends that the mass media reflect the values of the general population
1. includes the norms, laws, customs, ideas, and beliefs of a group of people.
2. a set of symbols and rules that, put together in a meaningful way, provides a complex communication system.
3. the pervasice and excessive influence of one culture throughout society
5. things or behaviors to which people give meaning
7. the culture of the most powerful group in a society
8. the specific cultural expectations for how to behave in a given situation
9. the complex system of meaning and behavior that defines the way of life for a given group or society.
10. strict norms that control moral and ethical behavior
11. the cultural resources that are deemed worth and that give advantages to groups possessing such capital.
12. consists of the objects created in a given society

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