Sunday, February 20, 2011

Social Class and Stratification

1--One scholarly journal, newspaper, or magazine article that best represents specific concepts or a theory that particularly interest you from that chapter (or a part of the chapter)
Because of the length of this article, I won’t post it in full here, but rather provide a link to it. The author discusses how the gap between the rich and poor, to no surprise, is widening and social stigma still exists.

2--One photograph, painting, drawing, or other visual illustration that best symbolizes the main theme of the chapter (or a part of the chapter that particularly interests you)

3—One video clip that describes/explains a specific concept or theory from your chapter
-- This video is great. It was made in the 50’s and describes 3 different individuals from three levels of society. The video does a great job describing the stigmas behind society and social mobility.

4--Two Internet sites (URL and two sentences describing the site) that provide useful information to the reader about the concepts in the chapter (or the part of the chapter that interests you)
Site 1:
This site from the New York Times is a special section devoted to all the areas of social class and stratification, it is called “Class Matters” and is very helpful as an insight into areas such as Marriage, Religion, Education, etc…
Site 2:
This site does a good job describing social mobility and its different areas, something I didn’t feel the text did as good of a job at as it could have.

5--One poem, quote, or song lyrics that represent the feelings you had reading the chapter
Cream of Society by Paul Curtis
They say there the cream of society
Their arrogance makes me sick
They’re the cream of our society
Because they’re rich and thick

6-At least two paragraphs that describe why you chose that chapter and the specific supporting materials you included on your page
I chose the chapter about social class because I think it is something that is still highly relevant today. It is fascinating to me because, as the video from 60 years ago will attest, we’ve known about this problem of social division for a very, very long time. However we don’t do anything about it. The problems we face today are the problems we faced then and, if anything at all, they have only worsened as the gap between rich and poor has exceedingly become wider and wider.
The video was the best representation of how things haven’t changed a bit. The photo is a close second for my favorite piece of the page, however. It shows a clearly upper class man and boy next to three lower class children. The comparison is starkly apparent: the lower class boys have either short knickers or baggy pants and well worn shirts while the wealthy two are nothing less than perfect gentlemen. What really interested me in this photo was the way in which the lower class boys seem to stare at the richer two, almost in envy. Yet the two upper class people act almost as if the ones below them don’t exist at all.

7-A crossword puzzle or word search with at least 10 concepts (and definitions).

1. the process by which different statuses develop in a group or society
5. stratification where power and property monopolized by the elite
8. process by which people end up in a given position in the stratification system
10. Temporary assistant for needy families
11. stratification by ascribed status given at birth
2. the opportunities people have in common by virtue of belonging to a certain class
3. the value others assign to people and groups
4. a system in which status is based on merit
6. a system of structured social inequality
7. a person's movement over time from one class to another
9. Socially defined position in a group or society

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