Friday, February 11, 2011


1--One scholarly journal, newspaper, or magazine article that best represents specific concepts or a theory that particularly interest you from that chapter (or a part of the chapter)
This article explains functionalist perspectives of deviance and gives a basic overview of Durkheim’s important ideas on the subject.

2--One photograph, painting, drawing, or other visual illustration that best symbolizes the main theme of the chapter (or a part of the chapter that particularly interests you)
3—One video clip that describes/explains a specific concept or theory from your chapter

4--Two Internet sites (URL and two sentences describing the site) that provide useful information to the reader about the concepts in the chapter (or the part of the chapter that interests you)

This site is for an organization that promotes positive deviance, something that wasn’t as addressed in the chapter that I feel warranted at least a nod. I think positive deviance is very important because people who don’t fit the norm do just as many great things as other people who don’t fit social expectations to bad things, yet that fact is overlooked. The bad, no matter how infinitesimal compared to the good, always seems to garner the most attention.
Site 2:
This second site defines several theories that could be behind deviance. Keeping the theories straight can be hard because they are so numerous, but this site is helpful because it carefully organizes them, making them much easier to remember.

5--One poem, quote, or song lyrics that represent the feelings you had reading the chapter
The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws.
Ayn Rand

6-At least two paragraphs that describe why you chose that chapter and the specific supporting materials you included on your page

   Deviance is a mode within society that is recognized as violating expected rules and norms. In some ways, deviance seems to me to be necessary to society, as it defines the boundaries of normal behavior. If we didn't have deviance from social norms, how would we know what norms actually were? Deviance defines society in contextual aspects.
    In this chapter, I found the aspects of what causes deviance to be most intriguing. Particularly labeling theory, which is why I chose the video that I did. It is interesting how self-fulfilling prophecy can really be an element in causing deviance and criminal behavior. Increasingly, that has become medicalized. We diagnose perceived problems as diseases to mitigate them, which is why I picked the cartoon that I did. The sites I listed are interesting because they give a break down of the major theories of deviance which are very helpful and also gives a nod to the better side of deviance. After all, there are people who act outside of norms to do good things, not just bad. 


7-A crossword puzzle or word search with at least 10 concepts (and definitions).

Deviance and Crime

Dayne Sorensen
This is a crossword for the main sociological topics and theories in deviance and crime.

1 2 3
6.a theory suggesting that deviance occurs when social bonds between persons are weakened.
7.An attribute that is socially devalued and discredited; a disability as a master status for example.
8.Refers to the wrong doing of wealth individuals and organizations; "white collar crime."
10.The man behind the functionalist theory of deviance: "deviance is functional because it produces solidarity among society."
11.attributes behaviors to a "sick" state where the solution is a "cure."
1.The process by which groups and individuals are brought into conformity with expectations.
2.behavior that is recognized as violating expected rules and norms.
3.A theory interpretting deviance as learned behavior.
4.A theory by Robert Merton that traces deviance to tension cause by gaps in cultural goals and the means people have to acheive said goals.
5.A theory that states labeling is the cause of deviant behavior; almost a self-fulfilling prophecy.
9.A form of deviance that violates established law.

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